Each man had only one genuine vocation - to find the way to himself….His task was to discover his own destiny - not an arbitrary one - and to live it out wholly and resolutely within himself. Everything else was only a would-be existence, an attempt at evasion, a flight back to the ideals of the masses, conformity and fear of one’s own inwardness.
― Herman Hesse

If you had troubles finding your vocation, it may be due to the fact that you’re out of your life force. Let’s see what the life force is and how you can get it back.

If you feel down and depressed. If you feel like you lost a sense of direction and you don’t know what to do next. You can always work on your life force.

The only way to find our what you should be doing or who you truly are is to activate your life force. Life force is the only part of you that is capable of guiding you when you’re lost.

If you imagine a life force being a pyramid, there are three levels of it:

  • The bottom level, the foundation is your relationship with your physical body.
  • The second level is your relationship with other people.
  • The highest level is your relationship with yourself.

Life Force Triangle


That is the bottom step of the life force.

You have to take care of your body first. Otherwise you cannot take on any serious task in your life. Your judgments will be compromised by your health issues.

Your objective is to get your body working better and it always works. The most classic thing why your body is not at its best, is the lack of exercise.

The second most important thing is your diet. And the third one is your sleep.

So, when you start taking care of your body you will automatically start feeling better. In the very beginning improving your relationship with your body will give you 85% of your life force.

  • Exercise
  • Diet
  • Sleep

Your relationship with your body is only the first level. The next level is your relationship with other people.


When you’re getting depressed you not necessarily end your relationship with other people but they are more and more getting pulled back from your life.

The relationships are like steps in a ladder. The more of them disappear from your life the harder it will get to climb up the ladder, cause the steps are missing. Without steps it will get harder and harder to pull yourself back into life.

They key here is - you have to take the initiative. You shouldn’t be waiting for other people to take the initiative. If you wait for them to do it, you don’t understand the problem.

You have to be proactive in meeting new people and communicate with them.

You could invite someone to lunch that you don’t find interesting. It doesn’t really matter. It will still affect you in a positive way. Every person you interact with symbolically represents the whole humanity.

That’s the middle tier. The highest tier though is your relationship with yourself.


That is the highest tier in your Life Force Triangle.

Your relationship with yourself is to be understood as your relationship with your unconscious. You don’t really know what’s in your unconscious, until you activate it.

One trick that you can use is writing. Writing is a magical thing that activate your unconscious.

Your get to know yourself by writing. It doesn’t matter what you write. You don’t have to be a writer. If you just start writing, it will act as a mirror. Your writing will reflect, what’s going on in your unconscious and things that you didn’t that you knew, will start coming out.

These are the three pillars of your life force. If you feel lost, don’t try to figure it out - work on you life force first and things will fall into place.