Best way to get invested in is not to ask for money.

If you want to secure an investment from a reputable investor or a VC fund you have to use the reverse pitch method

What is a reverse pitch. As you may have already guessed it’s when an investor pitches himself to you.

How do you get an investor pitching to you though?

What you have to understand in the first place is that an investor gets thousands of pitches a year and only places 1 to 2 investments. Even if you will get 15-30 minutes to pitch your product, the most investment decisions are done in the first 2 minutes, so you have only 2 minutes to catch your potential investor’s attention.

If you will start as any other startup presenting your product and begging for money, you already lost the game even if you have an incredible product. Here where the reverse pitch comes into play.

Here are the steps that need to be taken in order to achieve the situation where an investor pitches herself to you:

  • Do a thorough research on the investors and find the ones who already invested in similart startups or in the startups in similar categories.
  • Although you won’t really pitch your product, you have to know it really well. Know you market, know your reach. Be solid when you spit facts and be confident about your success.
  • Once you’ve done all the preparations, talk to the investors of your choice, briefly introduce your company or product and ask them how they can help you to reach your goals. Don’t ask for money but ask them if they have enough connections and expertise to help your company grow exponentially.

They will get definitely more intrigued by your approach then by a standard pitch deck - they’ve already seen thousands of them and you will have way better chances to get to the next step.